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Kapinovo Monastery Bulgaria
Kapinovo Monastery
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Kapinovo Monastery

Kapinovo Monastery Sveti Nikolay Chudotvorets (Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker)

It is one of the most beautiful monasteries in Bulgaria, being located in an area with a wonderful natural landscape, at a distance of 14 km from Veliko Turnovo and 5 km from the village of Velcevo. The monastery church, dedicated to the Holy Trinity, it was built in 1272, by Tsar Constantin Asan-Tih (1257-1277) or Tsar Ivan Asan II (1214-241). After the fall of Târnovo under Turkish rule in 1393, the monastery was destroyed by the Turks and restored by the local population in the 17th century. Abandoned in 1835, was restored by craftsmen from the city of Dryanovo. Today’s church is without a tower, with an apse, a nave, an outdoor courtyard, with constructive wooden columns and a railing. The iconostasis and icons are made by representatives of the Tryavna School. The complex consists of two chapels and several residential buildings, built and grouped in the form of an arch, surrounded by a large wall.

The monastery was founded in 1272. After being destroyed and renewed a number of times, the present church was rebuilt in 1835. The open narhtex features Yoan Popovich's Day of Judgment, one of the largest murals in Bulgaria.

Kapinovo Monastery Sveti Nikolay Chudotvorets (Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker) is located on the Left bak of the Veselina, 20 km south of Veliko Turnovo. It was established in 1 272 during the rule of Tsar Konstantin Asen Tikh (1257 – 1277).

An inscription on the apse of the apse of the present day monastery church says that in the same year a temple, called Saint Trinity was built. During that period the monastery was a religious centre of great importance, but it was set on fire when the capital Tarnovo was conquered by the Ottomans.

At the end of the 17th century the local population from nearby villages and managed to obtain permission from the Ottoman authorities for its restoration. Later the monastery was devastated several times during the Ottoman rule in Bulgaria.

It was restored in 1835, when the present day church of Saint Nicholas was built. The generous brothers Teodosiy and Kesariy Horozovi donated a large sum of money for the construction of new residential buildings for monks in 1856.

The Kapinovo Monastery was one of the educational and revolutionary centres during the Bulgarian Revival Period. For a short span of time in 1794, the abbot of the monastery was Sofroniy Vrachanski, who made his transcript of Istoriya Slavyanobalgarska (Slavonic-Bulgarian History) there. A church school was also housed in the monastery.

The Kapinovo Monastery played an important role in the preparation for the April Uprising in 1876. A huge battle took place near the monastery during the Russo-Turkish Liberation War of 1877-78.

The monastery is in immediate proximity to the beautiful Kapinovo Waterfalls.