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Kufte - Meatball Traditional Bulgarian food
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Kufte - Meatball
Grilled ground meat from pork, veal, or beef
Kufte are Bulgarian meat patties that are usually made with pork, veal, or beef or a combination as primary ingredients. The meat is ground, then combined with onions, parsley, salt, pepper, and cumin. Savory is often added as a seasoning in order to enhance the flavors.
The patties are then grilled until browned on both sides, and they should be served immediately. Kufte are often served with bread and baked rice on the side. Outdoor barbecues will always have a global appeal, so it comes as no surprise to have kufte or kufteta in the plural sense on this Bulgarian food list.
Kufte is basically a meat patty made of ground pork meat, veal, beef, or a combination of any of the three. Its seasoned with salt, pepper, cumin, onions, and parsley. Savory can also be added for a nice flavor boost, and some add pepper flakes for a touch of heat.
The meat patties can be baked, fried, or grilled to perfection, and served with bread and baked rice, or a side of shopska salad or french fries with Bulgarian white cheese.