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Sarmi Traditional Bulgarian food
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Stuffed Cabbage Leaves

Besides stuffed peppers, stuffed cabbage leaves aka sarmi are also common here. Though the sarmi is now widely known as a signature dish in Turkish cuisine, it actually stemmed from the Ottoman Empire. And the Bulgarian version of sarmi is not something you want to skip when you get there.

Its often stuffed with minced pork or beef, rice or bulgur, and Bulgarian spices and herbs. However, theres a vegetarian version that is as important as palneni chushki on the Christmas dinner table. Whatever the stuffing is, the wrapping usually is cabbage or vine leaf.

One of the Balkans and the Middle Easts most ingenious culinary inventions must be sarmi, or stuffed vine or cabbage leaves. Universally beloved across the wider region, in Bulgaria sarmi are typically filled with rice or a mix of rice and minced meat. Onions and carrots as well as various spices are typically added to the filling.

The pickled cabbage variety зелеви сарми, zelevi sarmi is the preferred option as a main dish in the depth of winter. Grape vine leaf sarmi лозови сарми,lozovi sarmi, which are smaller, are more often enjoyed as a starter or a side dish. A bit of yogurt on the side complements them perfectly and coupled with a vegetarian filling, theyre one of the highlights of a genuine Bulgarian Christmas Eve dinner.

One of the staples of traditional Turkish cuisine, sarma consists of a filling that is snugly surrounded by leaves or leafy vegetables. There are numerous versions of this dish but the mixture typically combines ingredients such as minced meat, rice or bulgur, various herbs, seasonings, red pepper, paprika, ground sumac, or tomato sauce, while the typical wrapping usually includes vine, cabbage, or sauerkraut leaves, or a variety of leafy vegetables such as collard greens and swiss chard.

Having its roots in the Ottoman Empire, sarma is also traditionally consumed in the Balkans, the countries of Central Europe, the South Caucasus, and the Middle East. Although it is commonly enjoyed as a filling lunch or dinner typically during the winter season, sarma is often prepared on special occasions and holidays.

Sarmi is a traditional Bulgarian dish made of rolled cabbage or vine leaves stuffed with a mixture of minced meat, rice, and various spices then poached in water or tomato sauce. Its a popular dish served during Christmas Eve, often with a side of yogurt.

Stuffed cabbage dishes could be traced back to ancient Middle East, before spreading to Eastern Europe through thriving trade routes and ethnic migrations. Today, sarmi goes by different names depending on the country. The minced meat, spices, and other stuffing may vary, but the dish stays generally the same: a delicious cabbage leaf stuffed with meaty goodness.