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Shopska Salad Traditional Bulgarian food
Shopska Salad
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Shopska Salad

Combo of diced tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, peppers and cheese

Due to the same similarity, many locals assumed that Shopska Salata stemmed from the Shopi ethnographic group and had been served centuries ago. Others believed that this salad was an invention of Balkantourst – a local tour operator company – during the 1950s. Whatever the origin is, the main ingredients of shopska salata are diced tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, peppers, and sirene cheese on top, with some parsley for garnishing.

In 2014, shopska salata became the most recognizable dish of Bulgarian cuisine. Once you have this salad, you may notice that the outcome dish has 3 colors that perfectly imitate the flag of Bulgaria. Check out why you should try the famous Bulgarian Shopska salad.

Bulgarias internationally-renowned salad is a simple — but effective — combo of diced tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and peppers, with grated sirene cheese and parsley on top. Whether a century-old meal of the Shopi ethnographic group as the name implies or a 1950s invention of communist Bulgarias state-owned tour operator Balkantourist, Shopska salad is the perfect appetizing companion to a shot of rakia at the start of a Bulgarian meal. Curiously, Shopska salads most prominent colours are white the cheese, green the cucumbers and red the tomatoes and peppers, which match perfectly to the colours of the Bulgarian national flag. A not-so-subtle hint at Shopska salads vital role in Bulgarian cuisine.

Sopska salata is a traditional cold salad that is also one of the national dishes of Bulgaria. Often served during summer, when one can find it in most Bulgarian restaurants, the salad consists of chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, roasted or raw peppers, and Bulgarian cheese.

It was originally created in the 1950s, when Bulgarian top chefs were asked to create dishes that would attract tourists to the country. The vegetables are typically salted, drizzled with sunflower oil, and sprinkled with grated Bulgarian sirene cheese on top.